The Bubble

Going to like minded schools people say that you are living in a bubble, shielded from the world. I won't argue that point at this time but, I can tell you about playing in a bubble. Saturday, May 26, Anna & I, with some friends, went to the Goose & Duck Ranch. There they had these bubbles that you got in and walked on water. It was fun but extremely tiring! They say that living in a bubble shields you from the rest of the world but, even while in the bubble I could still here Anna screaming for mommy.

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Anonymous said...

that looks like tons of fun! hilarious!

Anonymous said...

how did you breathe in there - just looking at the pictures makes me feel all suffuffocaty!!! :S

love you guys!

Jeremy Carman said...

Yeah, it was pretty hot inside, but you only do it for about 5 mins. so it is bareable.
